#The white door jason lee password
Notice the upside-down password at the bottom left, 3461.Follow the arrows to reach the Johnnson Bird Food building.Drag Bob's hand down to the beggar's hand.Drag the radio to the right until the music is gone.Drag the paddle around to bounce the ball ten times.Click on the recreation box and pick up the ping pong paddle.Drag the drink down, click or drag to eat the food, and click on the pill. Click on the shapes that are different from the others. Click on one of the three options (pizza, fries, soup) for your dinner.Drag open the third drawer and click on the ID for your workplace.

Where did you work? - Click on the dresser.What was your favorite cafe? - Click on the breakfast table, and focus on the sugar packet.It is currently 1972, so Bob's age is 41.Drag open the third drawer and click on the ID for your date of birth, 1931. Can you tell me your age? - Click on the dresser.Focus on the checkup buzzer and press the button.Drag the drinks down, and click on the donut to eat it.Click and hold the watch to advance time.Turn the sugar packet, spoon and coffee mug so they all face down.Drag the screen to the right until you reach Bob.Click on the bed, and drag the blanket up to fall asleep.Drag the dumbbell up and down ten times.Click on the recreation box next to the dresser and pick up the dumbbell.Drag the drink down, click and hold to eat the spaghetti, and click on the pill. Match the shapes you are shown to what the items are. Click on the computer, and press the enter key.And the date? - Click on the calendar again for the day marked with an "X".What year is it? - Click on the calendar above the bed.Drag open the third drawer and click on the ID for your name. What is your given name? - Click on the dresser below the bed.Click on the letters and numbers to complete the words to answer Sarah's questions.Focus on the checkup buzzer next to the door and press the button.Pick up the towel and drag it to wash your face.Pick up the toothbrush and drag it to brush your teeth.Drag the drinks down, then click on the donut to eat it.Focus on the small table in the middle of the room.Click on the chart under the clock to see your schedule, which must be completed in this order:.